Friday, July 22, 2011

Bring on the Rain....

Whew!! That was some storm! Alex LOVED it so much! I sat on the couch in front of the window and he watched with delight as the rain came down, the lightening danced across the sky, and the thunder made me sing "What a Mighty God We Serve..." as Keith and I agreed I would never tell the kids I am afraid of storms. They will figure it out one day, but for now they think its neat since Daddy loves them. Kelly asked, "Mommy, what was that?" every time the thundered cracked. KJ just smiled and mumbled things I couldn't understand. I was SO thankful it ended just as bedtime came. How does someone become afraid of storms? Nothing ever happened to me. No tornados, no anything when I was a child. Nothing ever happened to me personally to make me afraid. To others, YES. I have had friends lose houses, cars, everything in tornados, and even just high winds. So maybe I have a healthy fear due to their fear. Regardless, God is in control and He will keep me safe if it is in His will. So Bring on the Rain......

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