Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Weekend is almost over.

I LOVE the weekend. It means Keith is home, we get to see the family, we get to DO things as a family. We play outside, go to the store, just spend time together. The best thing is I am not the only one in charge. I can say "go ask Daddy" and he can tell them no for once. ;) Daddy can change a few diapers or fill the sippy cups, again. I have a wonderful husband because he is willing to give up his free time to spend time with us. He could be spending time doing a hobby, or relaxing by himself, or anything really. He even took Ruth and the twins to the store so I could have time to myself while the baby slept. He gets up with the kids at 6:30 (yes they are getting earlier) and lets me sleep in. I appreciate and respect him. He truly is the love of my life!!!

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